The Institute For Aliveness is a global collective looking to evolve what it means to be human. We define health not as mere absence of disease, but rather living with maximum vitality. We understand mental well-being as an unending path of loving self-inquiry and expansive, trauma-informed self awareness. We hone in the importance of communication skills and interpersonal dynamics. We love talking directly to the elephant in the room, sand-boxing in the play of life and surrendering control patterns to a deep trust in life itself.
The flagship project began in 2019, as an educational course in natural hygiene, psychosomatics, trauma healing & interpersonal relating. By 2022, it gained accreditation to become a Master’s of Science in Applied Epigenetics from the Global Accreditation Council, and in 2023 we graduated a batch of students and established ourselves as a research Institute. Please see published editions of UPLEVELING HUMANITY, our hybrid Academic Journal/Magazine here.
On April 21, 2024, the graduates & Faculty of the Institute incorporated and now operate a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, which will steward the future evolution of the Institute.
The first 4 years of this multi-decade TIFA project were human intensive and worked to define and hypothesize quantification of consciousness as well as discover the limits on human growth and potential in distance learning scenarios.
To keep connected and to find out about forthcoming courses taught by TIFA as well as if you’re keen to apply for the MSc in Applied Epigenetics from 2025 or beyond email us at info@theinstituteforaliveness.com

Health Bucketlist: Clarity of purpose in life, To face your food addiction, Strategize a disease-free life & expanded mind, Gain DISCIPLINE over food cravings, Master your energy in all environments (work, play. home, family), Feel f*cking vital!