Highly-driven millennials looking to “level-up” in their blindspots. You, perhaps?
A one-week transformational juice fasting retreat
From the comfort of your very own home
Mar 31 - Apr 06, 2023
May 05 - May 11, 2023
Jun 02 - Jun 08, 2023
*Preparation starts 10 days before fast.
Read below!
If you want to experience a profound shift in your health, in your own surroundings, from the luxury of your home, then THE INITIATION is guaranteed to give you what you want. This may be the most important thing you ever do for yourself.
Here's why: we can get all heady about food and health and diet and the body. But wait! Your experience exists in the body, not the mind! GIVE YOURSELF A TRUE EMBODIED EXPERIENCE OF HEALTH and stop clicking on that mindless clickbait of “Foods to Eat to Cut Bloating…” You’re worth more than that.
Our work is based around an intent to re-connect to "feeling good". Most people don't actually know what it is to feel good. They wake up in survival mode, reach out for some survival calories, grumble through work, have a few stimulant-based surges (coffee, food, TV), and then go to bed at night with limited nourishment at a deeper level.
The status quo of the world WILL mislead you. That's why you must learn from yourself - from your own experience. Dive in and EXPLORE how HEALTHY FEELS, because let me tell you - it's UNDENIABLE.
FYI - THE INITIATION is The Institute For Aliveness’ non-profit to uplevel humanity. Last year, 78% of our profit was donated to those in need on a journey of self-discovery. We offer scholarships and reinvest in projects in developing countries, employing people of color from diverse backgrounds.
Support this Mission by joining THE INITIATION for only
€297 or 4 installments of €88
Which level are you?
Here's a Taste of What You Will Get on This Transformative 7-Day Online Retreat
Preparation for THE INITIATION
✓ Preparation Guide
For successful pre-planning
✓ Shopping List
For juicing ingredients
✓ Delicious Recipes
For successful juice cleansing
✓ Phone Support
Pre-fast consult with a Fasting Mentor

✓ Live & Pre-Recorded Videos
One of each daily, to help successfully guide you through your cleanse. (15-20 minutes daily video modules that walk you through all the hurdles, emotions and specific information on how to avoid challenges and achieve your results.)
✓ Yoga Classes
Including meditation to help you restore and relax during your cleanse.
✓ Online Store
Get our recommendations on products for successful cleansing.
✓ Live Recorded Training
Demonstrations on pre-fast meal as well as guided enema therapy - you will conquer that fear!
✓ Resource Library
Includes the latest fasting information and scientific studies on the effects of fasting
✓ Private Membership
Instant online access to all of the above when you enroll in the program.
Why Juice Fasting?
I know, I know, we can see your food addiction from a mile away! But in the end, nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. And the millennial generation has to get its act together, or cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and auto-immune diseases are right around the corner.
This is why we started "THE INITIATION." To teach Millenials the most important survival skill of all: self-healing and disease prevention. This retreat has proven to give participants the exact results you've been waiting for. We aim to redefine health not merely as absence of disease, but rather as “Living with Maximum Vitality.”
When does it start?
We have one coming up soon. You could put it off for a rainy day. But hey, we know how you work, it would probably never get done. Seriously, all this takes is one simple commitment to yourself. It’s not a financial thing, because you’ll save money on food. So take a leap of faith in your body and get excited for the learning that’s just around the corner. There will be a team of fasting experts to support you, as well as a curated group of individuals from all over the world, going through the experience alongside you. Cool, huh?
Private Online Community

✓ Share your process and be inspired by others in our private online community
✓ Make lifelong connections with like-minded people.
✓ Receive support in the community to be supported by Fasting Mentors
✓ Post daily videos to share your experience
✓ Watch daily live videos and get personal video feedback from Dr. Andrèa Paige
✓ Deepen your dialogue about what it means to live a healthy life
✓ Get burning questions answered - about fasting or general health - in your own thread
Self Reflection, Tools & Practices
✓ Daily Assignments
Exercises to self-reflect throughout your journey
✓ Journalling
To track your own experience and your health metrics
✓ Writing Prompts
To help process feelings that come up during fasting
✓ Reflective Worksheets
To integrate fasting as a practice into your life

✔ Reintegration Guide
Full instruction and guidance notes to support you post-cleanse
✔ Commitment to Change
Commit to 10 things that you will do differently to reprioritize your health
✔ Accountability
Post-fast group call 10 days after to keep you on track
✔ Post-fast Food Guide
Including Food Combining Lecture to help you with the refeeding process
Specialist Support

✓ Direct to her highly-trained team of fasting specialists
✓ Daily check-ins for maximum accountability during the cleanse
✓ Nearly 24/7 dedicated support by message, phone or email
✓ Post-fast follow-up calls and ongoing support to keep you on track

But Wait! There's more...
Register now, and you'll get these exclusive gifts absolutely free...
Guide Book
A special, unrealized-to-the-public Detox Guidebook that supports you during your cleanse and beyond. This is a comprehensive look into detoxification for all who enjoy a read, and for those who want to dive in and dissect all the gold from THE INITIATION.
MP3 Meditation & Yoga Downloads
MP3 Meditation & Yoga Downloads to help you relax and restore during your retreat and in your daily life. You can load them onto your iPod or MP3 Player so that you can apply these practices on the go.
A chance to receive an astrology reading download from Andréa (If you're one of the first 3 people to register for your month below!)
What goes on?
During this 7-day juice cleanse, we're going to look at ourselves deeply, examine how we live, how we think and what patterns and social conditioning have been unconsciously running our lives. Fasting gives us the clarity required to undo that which doesn't fit with whom we hope to become and where we want to go in life.
This is a program where everyone rises together. We, as a unit, expand awareness of what’s possible and what it means to be human. In practical terms - you’ll learn vital emotional intelligence skills and undergo a profound journey of self-reflection. Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey, this space will provide you with the tools and mirror you need to elevate your life. Heck, even Oprah and Deepak would find great benefit. (Someone tell them we’ll give them a 2-for-1 deal!)
Join a Revolutionary preventative health program to boost your immunity
Use these 7 days to reflect on yourself and your life
Tune into online interactive lectures – only available to action-takers like you!
Live-stream Q&A sessions, so all your questions get answered!
Meet a priceless community of friends & mentors
Give your digestive system the rest it’s been asking for. You’ll win an Olympic gold medal for pooping afterwards, no doubt.
How can I be sure this INITIATION thing is for me?
✓ Get CLARITY of purpose on what you want from life
✓ Begin to strategize a path forward for a disease-free life and expanded mind
✓ Feel f*cking vital…!
✓ Come face to face with your food addiction
✓ Take off the mask you wear for society and let your authentic RADIANCE shine through
✓ Learn to master your energy in all environments (work, play, home, family)
✓ Be a part of a community; unconditional acceptance in a group who will love you
✓ Reset your digestive system and boost your immune system
✓ Believe in yourself again and overlook other’s expectations
✓ Reconnect to a system of wholeness
✓ Redefine health and success on YOUR terms
✓ Leave procrastination behind, be held ACCOUNTABLE, and get your life back on track
✓ Gain discipline over food cravings and better understand this thing we call “eating”
✓ Stop suppressing and truly FEEL (you’ve been taught “if it hurts, hide it”, right?)
✓ Revitalize and deepen the ultimate relationship with YOU
✓ Take control and unleash your inner power NOW!
Meet our INITIATION Team

Andréa Paige, ND, MSc, E-RYT 500
“BioHacking Epigeneticist” a master of lifestyle medicine. Andréa travels the world empowering people to take their health back into their own hands. With a Bachelor's in Globalization and Political Economy, a Master's in Ethnobotany and a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, she is what you call a "polymath". She's a master of many subjects in different areas of life. She's traveled to 100+ countries and speaks 7 languages. (Yea, we think it's pretty cool too.) Her interdisciplinary approach is what shapes our innovative curriculum.
Andréa was born to be a teacher, and students say just being around her makes you feel more alive. For 4 years, she directed Wellness at the renowned Yoga Barn in Ubud, Bali. For the past decade, Andréa worked guiding people through transformative fasting retreats. She launched the Holistic Health Coach Training Program to teach people the wealth of interdisciplinary knowledge and revolutionary thought she gained over 15 years of study and self-awareness.
More Fasting Mentors...

Laura empowers people to make lasting changes in their lives on many levels through creating heartfelt connections and providing practical support. In exploring the tools of fasting through her own experience, she has received many healing benefits, including peace and clarity of mind.
Having recently worked at a detox center in Thailand, Laura has hands-on experience in supporting people through fasting. She has years of experience supporting people stopping smoking and empowering them to reflect on their addictive behaviours.
Now back in Europe, interaction face-to-face and online are platforms to educate people on how they can tap into maximum health. Through studying healing diets, naturopathy, and Hatha Yoga, she continues to delve deeper into how we can heal our own bodies, and live with a greater sense of vitality and joy in our daily life.

Chilean by birth, Amanda is now based in Berlin. Arriving from a long journey of self healing, Amanda’s lifelong history of digestive issues only subsided upon deeper self inquiry. She found that physical symptoms were linked to undigested emotions. That is when things clicked for her, and she embarked upon a quest of discovering her agency and healing through going to all neglected places of herself.
Amanda joined THE INITIATION Team in June 2020, after having mastered her own fasting practice. She believes in the natural healing powers of the body and in respecting and honoring where each person is in their own journey. Bringing participants to a space of self-intimacy, Amanda offers guidance on how to listen to their bodies in a space of full acceptance and presence.

Originally from New Zealand and is now based in Australia. A mother of two beautiful young adults and two blue eyed fluffy fur babies of the feline variety.Trained as a colon hydrotherapist in 2014 at Australian Colon Health. Manager/Owner of Macedon Ranges and Sunbury Colon Hydrotherapy 2014-present.
Trained as a yoga teacher in 2003 and gained RYTA500 qualification from Yoga First here in Melbourne, Australia. Yoga teacher from 1998 & gained official massage training qualification in 1995 from the London College of Massage. Massage therapist from 1978& a Live blood microscopist 1996-2000.

Nora’s passion has always been the optimization of our potentials as humans as well as health on all levels of existence. Since she was a teenager, she has been researching alternative healing methods and lifestyles. Indeed, Nora’s past is coloured by many different paths that have contributed to her knowledge today.
She has learned Meditation techniques, Ayurveda, Transpersonal psychology, Shamanism, Critical Theory, Sociology and Cultural Studies, among the few and worked with startups in different fields that became unicorns. She loves working with people from all over the world and her curiosity is her main drive in life.

Jaci started with The Initiation in 2018 when she decided to gift herself the fasting program for her birthday. She discovered right there that this was a game changer. The levels of clarity, ease in thinking, focus and energy are second to none. Each time she gives herself this gift of deep fasting practice she learns more about herself, her relationship to food and connection and creates a stronger trust of the wisdom of her body.
She is a craniosacral therapist by trade and can see the epic impact fasting has on her nervous system and state of calm. Jaci is excited about this practice as a fundamental method for holistic health and shares openly her experiences, failings and all, with anyone curious to take the superhero leap to change their life.

Elisa started fasting in 2016 after listening to some of Andi Paige’s podcasts and she never stopped exploring since then. Fasting helped her to get more in touch with her body and her feelings. She discovered that it is a beautiful tool to just calm down and listen to what emerges from inside...and she just love it.
Throughout the last 3 years she have been fasting regularly at least 4 times a year experiencing also long water fasts. She will be thrilled and honoured to walk with you throughout this path.

Andrea (born in Vienna, but a free spirit in her heart), feels at home (almost) anywhere alongside nature. She is fascinated by the healing power of Mother Earth and is firmly convinced that she gives us everything we need for vitality, health and inner strength.
Andrea started her fasting journey with THE INITIATION at its inception in 2017.
Beside releasing parasites and waste she stored in her colon, she also experienced the healing powers of fasting upon her compromised digestive system.By acknowledging that she slowly started to change her lifestyle, by the age of 25 she realized what a big impact this job had on her whole system.
Born and raised in Cape Town South Africa, Daniella’s interest in health and wellness sparked during her student years where she completed her studies at Isa Carstens Academy of Health and Skin care in Stellenbosch Campus, S.A and holds a Master’s Diploma in Somatology and Complimentary Therapies.
In June 2014 during an incredibly transformative experience, her first 7 day fasting retreat at the yoga barn - Ubut Indonesia, she met Dr. Andrea Paige for the first time. So inspired by Andi’s work and her first fasting experience, she was hooked and fasting became a regular practice for Daniella ever since, with completing over 8 x The Initiations and some other shorter fast in between. Daniella use The Initiation's principal of mindful fasting as a foundation for her health and lifestyle coaching.
Lison, 30 years old French student of TIFA (2020), living in Auroville (India), psychomotor therapist. She love to link her passions about movement, nature and connection to oneself and others for better health, well-being and evolution of consciousness. She experienced longer fasting for the first time 4 years ago, when she started teaching yoga in a fasting center retreat and that, out of curiosity, decided to fast once with them.
It was just a self-learning experience that since then, fasting is getting more and more integrated in her life as a way to connect deeper within and regulate and up-level her health on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
Emma has an embodiment in long term fasting and regular fasting practices and it has truly changed her life.On a day to day basis she work hands on with people’s bodies, and she see and feel the congestion that an overworked digestive system causes, not only in the physical, but also in the mind.
When people fast, the clearing that occurs on all levels is transformational and one I’ve never seen replicated with any other method. The most amazing thing about the process you’re embarking on is that your body and all its intelligence knows what to do. You just need to step back and experience the ride.
Andréa and other special guests will support your success throughout your cleansing journey. There will also be our beloved "fasting mentors", people who have cleansed and healed with us several times before. They will be like older siblings, showing you the path! Then, of course, there will be people just like you - cleansing and joining the community for the very first time (they'll be nervous too!).
Apply to be a mentor: cleanse with Andréa twice and introduce a friend to fasting to be eligible for a lead position. Please register your interest below to receive more information.
Join Fasting Professional Training Course
Twenty hours a month. Twelve months. Master the underworld, facilitating individuals’ rebirth.
Fasting is the vehicle. You’re the road.
It's a fully online program. One Week. Cleanse with us during this period & tune in daily. YES, you CAN do it while you're working! You don't need to go on retreat. THE INITIATION has made cleansing wellness more possible in your everyday life! You’ll need about one hour total each day to do your self-assignment, post your video, watch the daily video and any others in the group. You can do all of this while you make juice! Then -optional- another hour of yoga/meditation practice, which you’ll find you naturally wake up early for! Though, for best results, we advise at least 2-3 hours of “you” time between 6 am-10 pm for optimal success. With that said, we’ve worked with Fortune 500 execs who were flying all over the world during the week, and even they THRIVED.
When? The Time is NOW!
Don’t worry - we’re not starting quite yet… But now is the time to jump off the ledge of the fear holding you back from what you will become. If you’ve read this far, you know there’s truth in these words.
There is no better time to come back to you. There will always be a reason to put it off. You've heard about fasting for so long. This is YOUR invitation to try. Take it. (You CAN do it, we promise.) Thousands have walked this path before you.
Have the courage to CHALLENGE THE STATUS QUO ON HEALTH. What you've been told isn't working.
THINK DIFFERENTLY ABOUT YOUR POTENTIAL. Rethink everything you've been told about your health.
WE WANT TO SHOW YOU HOW POWERFUL YOU ARE... Believe in yourself again. Remember what a joy it is to be alive.
And oooh! How lovable your body is!