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The Initiation: Kevin Urban Testimonial

The Initiation: Kevin Urban Testimonial

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Paz shares her experience on a retreat facilitated by Dr. Andréa Paige

Paz shares her experience on a retreat facilitated by Dr. Andréa Paige

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Testimonial for Satsang on Body Health fasting talk with Dr.Andréa Paige at Int'l Yoga Festival Ris

Testimonial for Satsang on Body Health fasting talk with Dr.Andréa Paige at Int'l Yoga Festival Ris

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To The Doubters of the Virtual Juice Cleanse...

I will tell you, no one doubted the ability to be successful more than me...

- Molly, USA

My experience in Nada Yoga is marked in my mind as one

of the most directly transformative events in my life...

- Brad Mosell

I was diagnosed with chronic migraine following a car crash in November 2015. I heard about Andrea through recommendation. Andrea help me to view my condition in a more positive light... 

- Sarah, Buchanan, UK

I was very impressed with the cleanse, and I think I can now say that it has changed my life and continues to do so...

- Suvi, Bali

"Do not believe me verify me" and "empower yourself."

Two powerful approached used by Andrea during the week long detox fasting I undertook in Ubud with Andrea in October 2014...

- Jose Tiexeiria, Indonesian Politician & Australian Lawyer

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. I gave up all hope for finding a natural cure for this decease but Andrea exceeded all of my expectations...

- Mai, New York City/ Korea

This week showed me a new path. A new way of showing up for myself, my family and my work...

- Stacy White

When Andrea talks she commands the stage...

- Gigit, The LoneRider

And my game is forever changed - mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually... 

- Sharon Eisenhauer

"Amazing. Day 0- daunting. But a group of absolute angels look after you and there is no need to look back. I have learnt a wealth of knowledge about true health and about my own willpower and desire to learn so much more."


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